‘Bachelor’ Contestant Kirpa Sudick Got 5 Stitches on Her Chin in Thailand — Here’s What Happened!
Usually, if someone gets hurt on The Bachelor, it becomes a major plot point. Remember when David fell out of the bed on Bachelorette and all of the teasers made us believe Jordan was going to try to kill him? Yeah. So naturally, fans were pretty confused when contestant Kirpa Sudick had a Band-Aid on her chin during her entire trip to Thailand on the February 4 episode, and it was never acknowledged at all. Luckily, we finally have answers. Watch the video above to see how Kirpa got her injury, and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel!
One day later, we got a behind-the-scenes look at what happened to Kirpa, and it was pretty brutal. The brunette beauty explained that she was trying to take a selfie on some slippery rocks by the beach, and she ended up falling on her face! Not only did she get five stitches in her chin at the emergency room, but she also sprained her wrist. Poor thing.
To be honest, we haven’t seen enough of Kirpa. She’s gorgeous, but that’s about all we know about her from the show. This deleted scene actually let us get a glimpse into her personality, and she’s actually SO awesome. Not only did she have an amazingly positive attitude about the whole ordeal, but she’s also totes funny.
“When I first got here I was like, wow, this is gorgeous,” she said in the clip. “But Thailand f–ked me up! And not in a good way. Welcome to Thailand!” She later posted the video with the caption, “PSA: selfies can be dangerous people. When trying to be extra af take necessary precautions #selfiesafety #learnfrommymistakes #thebachelor.”
The other contestants gave some more insight into the scary moment in the comments section. Hannah Godwin wrote, “Vividly remember you looking like a model as you fell tho,” to which Kirpa responded, “Tried to prune my way through the pain.” And Elyse Dehlbom, who left the show the same episode, wrote, “Me: Kirpa are you okay? You I’m fine … Me: Are you sure you’re okay? You: Nope. Such a trooper!” TBH we stan a tough cookie.
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