The stars of MTV's reality show Rich Girls, Ally Hilfiger and then-friend Jaime Gleicher, seem to have gone their separate ways since their days gallivanting around New York City and enjoying the luxe life afforded to them by their wealthy families. (Ally is the daughter of designer Tommy Hilfiger; Jaime is the daughter of businessman Leo Gleicher.) In fact, we're not even sure the former reality stars still talk to one another. Separately, however, they each seem to have found success in their post-reality lives. Here's where the so-called "Rich Girls" are now…

Ally, for starters, made headlines in June for her luxe wedding to Steve Hash on the private island of Mystique in the West Indies. (She wore a gown crafted by her designer dad, of course.) "I was so surprised and overwhelmed with happiness and excitement," Ally told People when she got engaged nearly a year prior. She and Steve share a daughter, Harley, born in 2015.

The 33-year-old has also been living with Lyme disease — she was diagnosed with the condition around 12 years ago. (She eventually wrote a book about the experience, Bite Me: How Lyme Disease Stole My Childhood, Made Me Crazy, and Almost Killed Me.) She even experienced symptoms as she filmed Rich Girls. "During the show, my brain, it would almost short-circuit," she said on a 2016 episode of Oprah: Where Are They Now? "Certain times, I would say things that wouldn't make any sense. I knew they wouldn't make sense, but they were still coming out of my mouth… My words were slurring a lot. I was not able to put sentences together properly. And my memory — that's still a problem."

Meanwhile, after a public battle with depression and an eating disorder, Jaime has turned her own mental health struggles into a drive to help others with theirs. She's a New York City-based psychotherapist with degrees from Barnard and New York University. "I wouldn't give this line of work up for anything," she told The Eye in 2017. "This is who I'm meant to be." (She also is big into SoulCycle. She attends at least 10 classes a week and travels with the same $42 grapefruit-scented candle SoulCycle uses to perfume its studios, as she told The New York Times in 2013.)

Now 33, Jaime thinks it's the highest compliment when someone tells her she seems different than she did on TV. "I have made such a conscious effort to be as far away from what was and to give back and to find a career that was really fulfilling, and that was not fulfilling to me." Her higher education experience also showed her "that you can evolve…you can change."