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Natasha Semango has a confession. If you had met her a few short years ago, your first impression of her wouldn’t be her achievements, her beautiful family, or her success. You would’ve seen a woman struggling with depression and overcome by a huge weight on her shoulders. That weight came from her chronic struggle with vaginal odor.

Semango wasn’t alone. According to a survey by Harris Interactive, approximately one in four women claim that they are “very conscious” of their vaginal or external vaginal odor. Another one in six women said that they are self-conscious about this odor when being intimate with a partner. Ten percent of women report using products to combat vaginal odor.

The survey also reveals that women aren’t completely honest with their gynecologists. There seems to be the existence of old “hang-ups” regarding feminine health, with almost one in four women (23 percent) aged 18 and older who go to gynecologists admitting that they have not been completely honest about their feminine health habits.

Natasha Semango suffered physically and emotionally for ten years with vaginal health issues. Nothing worked for her, despite trying everything available on the market. The lack of education and resources available was frustrating and heartbreaking.

“I was tired of the endless doctor’s visits and misinformation online, so I decided enough was enough. I quit my job, started my company, VeeFresh, and developed a regimen of nature-based solutions that provided me relief.”

Her results were so impressive that Semango made it her mission to help women experiencing the pain she had known for so long. She wanted other women to see that they were not alone. So, she got to work with zero experience in sales, marketing, or business.

“I didn’t consider myself an inventor of vaginal health products, yet I accomplished that,” Semango said. “Now, VeeFresh empowers women seeking an alternative approach to their vaginal health.”


Humble Beginnings

After years of endless doctors’ visits, dozens of prescriptions, and over-the-counter medications, Natasha Semango felt at the end of her rope. She started seeing a doctor who recommended natural remedies instead of prescribing more of the same old solutions. At that point, she was willing to try anything.

“I started noticing a difference fast,” explained Semango. “Through trial and error, I developed nature-based solutions that changed my life. I knew I had to share this with women everywhere and that I needed to create a community where women could talk about vaginal issues without ridicule. The only problem was I did not know where to start. I was a court reporter and a new mother. I didn’t have any experience developing or selling products on the internet.”

Natasha Semango faced obstacles that could have been insurmountable. Manufacturers initially rejected her because she requested small batches.

“It was all that I could afford,” she said. “Eventually, I found a manufacturer that took a chance on me and allowed me to place my first order. What a relief! Little did I know how many obstacles I would have to face along the way.”

Another obstacle was getting those first few sales. “I found that once your customers’ feedback flows in, optimizing and catering your business to your customers is easier. You know what they say, word of mouth is your best advertisement, and that was the case with VeeFresh.”

She felt like throwing in the towel many times but was proud of herself for having the strength to persevere. “The biggest thing I wish I knew before starting VeeFresh is that getting started is always the most challenging part. If I knew then what I know now, I would’ve started sooner, but who could blame me for being cautious? The whole thing seemed like a pipe dream.”

Besides building a solid foundation for her family, Semango’s primary motivation for making VeeFresh is the desire to help other women who have experienced the pain, anxiety, and depression that can come from chronic vaginal issues. “Based on my struggles, I knew there were minimal resources for women like me. I decided it was time to change that.”

Reception of VeeFresh

As the first “customer” of VeeFresh, Natasha Semango can confidently attest to all women how much this product has changed her life. “My confidence is back, and my marriage and sex life are better than ever.”

Semango believes that the biggest reward of starting VeeFresh has been the lives she and her company have helped changed. “Nothing makes me feel better than reading the reviews from the VeeFresh community. I know the struggle and emotional weight these problems can bring, so seeing thousands of women find relief feels terrific. The most common story we hear from our customers is that our products finally work for them when nothing else would. It doesn’t get much better than that.”

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