Today’s world offers countless opportunities for getting rich to people who play their cards right. Investing, trading, content creation, drop shipping, and eCommerce are just some of these opportunities. Best of all, with the help of technology, they can even do it from the comfort of their couch. Does it sound like something straight out of a futuristic movie?

Maybe not today, but when David Scheuer started his entrepreneurial journey a few years ago, it surely did, at least to him. A few years ago, David Scheuer was working late night shifts as a bartender, dreaming of a better future. Today, Scheuer is a thriving entrepreneur and eCommerce mogul (also known as eCom Dave) running a multi-million dollar worth of operations. With a lot of hard work and persistence, Scheuer managed to claw his way out of the mud, and he achieved all of that just before he turned 30.

David Scheuer came to the United States as an 11-year-old kid. Life in Peru was hard back then, but when he moved to Seattle to live with his mother, young Dave got a taste of how nice life could be. However, that life was well out of his reach because, as Scheuer points out, when you are a first-generation immigrant of your family, you are in quite a predicament.

“Being a first-generation immigrant is a tough situation to be in,” he says. “You are born of nothing, came to another country with nothing, and you have to fight to make ends meet. At the same time, the family back home is still expecting you to help out and send money.”

A tight budget meant that going to college was impossible for Dave, so he started picking up odd jobs here and there while he was still a teenager. He had to pull his weight and help the family. But after he turned 18, Scheuer moved to Miami by himself and landed a job as a bartender.

“Moving to the United States was a great experience. I learned English quickly, and because I was crazy about American culture – watching cartoons and TV shows – I fit in rather quickly,” says David Scheuer. “But I wanted to live in a place with Latin culture, and it needed to be in the United States. Miami was a place that met the criteria, so I ended up moving to Miami where I worked as a bartender for over ten years.”

David Scheuer

Still, there was a tiny dream smoldering inside young Scheuer. He was making good cash as a bartender, but he knew he could do more. The long night shifts started to take a huge toll on his mind and body, so he decided to pursue other money-making avenues. Around that time, Dave stumbled upon Gary Vee’s video where this Belarusian-American entrepreneur shared some strategies on how to make money online, and David Scheuer took a bite.

At first, Scheuer was skeptical, because he was working his backside off, pulling these impossible shifts every day of every week, and here was this guy talking about making millions from the comfort of a couch. “I was working every day, until six in the morning, and living that lifestyle for that long kills you. Kills your body, kills your mind,” says Scheuer. “I was becoming depressed, and I knew that I had to find a way out of that situation. And that’s when Gary Vee inspired me to get into eCommerce. I couldn’t believe that something like that was possible, but the more I watched and researched, the idea started to seem better and better.”

Cue long and sleepless days (as Scheuer was working nights), devouring YouTube videos where experts explained how the system works, what are the best strategies, best niches, and how to become a successful entrepreneur. Scheuer could’ve left his job like most new entrepreneurs do when they start chasing success, but he decided to take a harder but safer path.

“Those were horrible and exciting days – a real grind. Bartender by night, a knowledge-hungry entrepreneur by day,” says David Scheuer. “I would wake up; I would open my laptop and just work until I had to go to work. But the cool thing about that is that I was literally in my bed, creating a better life for myself. I consumed as much information as possible, and then I launched my first product.”

Scheuer got really good at finding products, seeing what’s selling on Amazon, and finding an angle on how to differentiate his product and add value. Slowly over time, he kept reinvesting his profits into spreading his portfolio, and four years later, Dave is at the front of a multi-million-dollar eCommerce operation. Simultaneously, David Scheuer is an eCommerce coach at The AMZ Academy, a course he created to share knowledge with all aspiring entrepreneurs interested in building and growing dropshipping and eCommerce businesses.

“I just kept on reinvesting the money that I was making on launching and testing new products because not every product is going to work,” he says. “Sometimes you have an idea, and you put it up there and people simply don’t like it. But you have to keep reinvesting your wins, and that’s how you build that snowball effect. You have to be patient, play your cards smart, and don’t quit even if you fail hundred times in a row. With enough persistence, success will surely come.”

Written in partnership with Luke Linz.

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