In the current digital evolution experienced worldwide, social media marketing has become a dominant way for businesses of all sizes to reach prospects and clients. People discover, learn about, follow, and shop from brands on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Great marketing on social media can bring significant success to your business, creating ardent brand advocates, and even driving leads and sales.

Iman Gadzhi is a London-based entrepreneur with Russian roots. He was born in a small town in South Russia called Dagestanskiye Ogni to a single mother.  Gadzhi’s alcoholic father left before he was born. He experienced poverty growing up, but this did not deter him from achieving his dreams. Later, his mother remarried, prompting their move to London.

Within no time, Gadzhi’s family life took a different turn that changed everything. They went from extreme poverty to living a lavish lifestyle in one of the most exclusive areas in Great Britain. Gadzhi joined an elite private school and lived a life that was unimaginable for them a few months earlier. Unfortunately, things didn’t go well with his mother’s second marriage after his stepfather abandoned them. He cut them off completely, and Gadzhi faced the struggle of taking care of himself and his mother.

At 14, Iman started his first business when Instagram was rising in popularity. He started by creating an Instagram page where he shared motivational quotes and helped grow other pages and sell them. Eventually, his hard work, determination, and tenacity finally paid off and he secured a marketing contract that launched his journey in digital marketing.

To date, Gadzhi established numerous businesses, such as a top-ranked software company, AgenciFlow. He is also the CEO of Gents Croquet Club, which is among the leading NFT projects in the market. In addition, Gadzhi runs a six-figure social media marketing agency, GrowYourAgency and IAG Media.

The successful capitalist has achieved much. A determined and resilient entrepreneur, Gadzhi made $25M by the age of 22. His software company, AgenciFlow, went from zero to a $10M valuation within 6 months of public launch and marked fast-paced growth.

Besides entrepreneurship, Gadzhi is a philanthropist. “I dropped out of high school at the age of 17, but I am so dedicated to reforming the education system, ” he shares. The self-made millionaire also self-funded five schools in Nepal for more than 2500 kids together with his charitable partner, Pahar Trust Nepal.

Through his YouTube Channel, Gadzhi educates young and aspiring entrepreneurs on achieving success. The channel is among the top platforms with over 550K subscribers and hundreds of thousands of views in each video. Gadzhi urges all budding entrepreneurs to never give up on their dreams as they have all it takes to succeed. “Believe in yourself, and don’t let your current condition hinder you from achieving success. Set your goals right, and work hard toward them. Also, get out of that comfort zone and visit new surroundings that will facilitate your growth,” he says. The astute entrepreneur looks forward to expanding his businesses and helping more people achieve success.

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