Written in Partnership with Adogy

You probably didn’t think twice about your skin when you were younger. Why would you? It was still smooth and flawless. Unfortunately, as you’ve aged, you’ve probably started to notice a few imperfections. From fine lines to hyperpigmentation, your skin isn’t as smooth and flawless as it once was, is it?

It’s no secret that skin changes throughout the years. As you age, your skin becomes less elastic. It loses collagen and decreases the production of natural oils, causing wrinkles and loose, saggy skin. Thankfully, there are things you can do to combat aging skin. Here are five tips to help you achieve and maintain flawless-looking skin:

1. Use The Right Products

When it comes to anti-aging products, there are several available. And many of these products have commercials advertising their ability to erase signs of aging, like wrinkles and fine lines. Unfortunately, not all skincare products are created equally. While some can be beneficial, others are false advertising.

That’s why it’s important to make sure you’re using products backed by science, like tretinoin. Tretinoin, a synthetic form of vitamin A, is a prescription-strength topical used to combat aging skin. This product works by increasing skin cell turnover and encouraging new cells to replace sun-damaged cells. You may be wondering exactly how this helps aging skin.

Well, according to research, a majority of the changes you see to your aging skin are a result of sun damage. Tretinoin combats those effects while also improving skin elasticity and the appearance of imperfections. Integrating tretinoin into your skincare routine can go a long way in helping you achieve a younger-looking complexion.

2. Avoid Smoking

Smoking is one of the worst things you can do for your health. It can lead to cancer, lung disease, heart disease, and other serious issues. In addition to the impact it can have on your health, smoking can wreak havoc on your skin.

Nicotine causes your blood vessels to narrow. This in turn limits the amount of oxygen flow and nutrients your skin cells receive. Because of this, smoking can cause premature signs of aging, like dry and crepey skin. Not to mention, the facial motion made while smoking can lead to wrinkles too.

Quitting smoking will improve your blood flow and the overall appearance of your skin. While it’s not easy to quit smoking, especially cold turkey, it’s possible. According to experts, one of the best ways to quit is with the help of medication and counseling. If you’re struggling to quit, don’t hesitate to reach out to a doctor to help you get on the right track.

3. Eat Nutritious Food

When it comes to your skin, what you put in your body is just as important as the products you apply. Food that’s too greasy or high in carbohydrates and sugar can damage your skin. Sugar, specifically, damages collagen and elastin — two proteins responsible for keeping your skin firm and plump. So, consider swapping these foods for ones better for your skin health.

Food high in antioxidants, like vitamin C and E, protect your skin from free radical damage that can cause wrinkles. Thankfully, it’s easy to consume these foods — just make sure you’re eating plenty of vegetables and fruits. Fermented food, like yogurt and kimchi, are an excellent source of antioxidants. They also work as an anti-inflammatory.

Another benefit of fermented food is that it contains probiotics, which are good for gut health. When your gut isn’t balanced, your skin can become irritated. Having good gut health improves your immune system and helps you achieve healthy-looking skin.

4. Apply Sunscreen Regularly

As mentioned above, sun damage can cause premature aging. And while products can help reverse signs of sun damage, preventative steps can keep you from experiencing sun damage altogether. One of the best preventative steps is regularly applying sunscreen.

Sunscreen works by either physically blocking or absorbing the sun’s harmful UV rays. This helps prevent skin cancer and sunburn. Sunscreen also keeps collagen from breaking down, so your skin stays firm and prevents wrinkles.

When it comes to sunscreen, it’s important to apply one that’s going to be effective. The American Academy of Dermatology suggests a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least an sun protection factor of 30. It’s important to note that anything lower may not protect against the sun’s UV rays.

5. Don’t Forget About All Your Skin

Most of us pay close attention to the skin on our faces, but what about the rest of our bodies? For instance, our hands. Whether you realize it or not, your hands age the same way the rest of your body does. You may start to notice wrinkles, rough patches, dark spots, or even brittle nails. All of these are signs the skin on your hands is aging.

Luckily, there’s a simple solution to combating aging skin. And that’s to make sure you apply the products on your face to your hands as well. Doing so is an easy way to ensure you’re giving your hands some much-needed attention.

Laser treatments are another easy way to stop hand wrinkles. While there are several treatments to choose from, they all work relatively the same. Laser treatments help erase signs of discoloration and fine lines, so your hands appear more youthful.

Aging is a natural, and inevitable process. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t steps you can take to slow that process down. When it comes to your skin, following the tips above can help you maintain a smooth and clear complexion.


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