This article was originally published on Tribe CBD. To view the original article and recipe, click here.


If you ever wanted to feel like a Corleone, the Godfather cocktail is for you. This smooth drink is easy to make and oh-so-simple to sip. With one of these bad boys in your hand, you can’t help impersonating the immortal Marlon Brando.

While the Godfather is cool on its own, a little CBD oil helps “seal the deal.” Plus, since this drink calls for an orange garnish, our full-spectrum CBD oil adds a complementary touch.

CBD Godfather Cocktail 

Blue Ribbon

On its surface, the Godfather is one of the simplest cocktails in the books. However, since this drink relies so heavily on two ingredients, you need to get your proportions just right. Figuring out the right balance between sweet amaretto and smoky Scotch may take a few tries.


While the official Godfather cocktail calls for equal parts Scotch and amaretto, you may need to adjust these measurements depending on your preferences. Also, the quality of your Scotch or amaretto could alter the balance of flavors. For the best results, we’d only recommend using top-shelf ingredients when making this drink.


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  • 1 ½ oz Scotch whiskey
  • 1 ½ oz amaretto
  • ½ dropperful Tribe CBD oil (citrus)
  • Orange twist  


  • Fill a rocks glass with one large ice cube
  • Pour whiskey and amaretto
  • Add ½ dropperful of Tribe CBD oil
  • Mix till well chilled
  • Garnish with an orange twist


As you’ll notice in our instructions, the Godfather is best served with one large ice cube. The reason for this has to do with dilution. Obviously, the more ice you add to your glass, the quicker it will dilute your cocktail. The longer you can hold off that excess water, the better.

Speaking of water, please only use purified water when making your cocktail ice cubes. Also, be sure to keep your ice cubes far away from any potentially stinky foods in your freezer. You don’t want to “swim with the fish” while sipping a Godfather…if you know what we mean.

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At Tribe CBD, we’re more than happy to welcome businesses into our expanding family. If you’re interested in adding CBD goods to your store’s shelves, please take a few moments to look into our wholesale opportunities. Whether you want CBD creams, gummies, or oils, we’ll find a way to get our products to your stores at the lowest prices imaginable.

For more details on our wholesale program, click here.