Has some event thrown your life “off course”? Have you been desperate to get in shape after losing control of your weight? Well, if you have reality TV aspirations, you should apply for Revenge Body, Khloé Kardashian’s E! transformation show. You can access the application through The Conlin Company’s website. (Men, apply here; women, apply here.)

But, you should be warned that the online questionnaire is a doozie. They get real personal real fast, but at least you know Khloé herself has fielded some of the same questions. To celebrate the show’s second season, the socialite posted her own answers online, and she was refreshingly candid!

For example, the mom-to-be recalled her most embarrassing childhood memory. “I was really chubby from age 10 to 14, and even teachers would always say to me, ‘You’re really Kim and Kourtney’s younger sister?’ They wouldn’t outright say, ‘You're ugly,’ or ‘You’re fat,’ but adults need to realize what their words do to kids. A 10-year-old can still pick up on that energy,” she shared.

The 33-year-old also revealed that her childhood dream was to become a Victoria’s Secret model. “I remember I went to a father/daughter dance with my dad and everyone was asking the daughters what they wanted to be when they grew up,” she wrote. “All the girls said ‘doctor’ or ‘lawyer.’ I said, ‘A Victoria’s Secret Angel!' My dad was like, ‘OMG!’ When Kendall finally became an Angel, it was so exciting! Someone from our family did it!”

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✨Sometimes it's hard for me to post these transformation posts only because I can't imagine my life being this unhealthy again. Never would I ever consider myself fat, But I would consider myself unhealthy mentally/physically and not knowing my true value. Mind, body and soul. For me, my transformation journey started from within. I needed to heal myself from the inside out. Once I started putting myself first, everything started falling into place. My life transformed a few years ago when I made the decision to stop existing and start living. I decided when I was ready regardless of what anybody else was saying about me. Regardless of the pressures. I had to do this on my terms or I knew it wouldn't last. It's ok to take the control back. Choose your life. Don't let anybody else decide for you! We are no victims to life but we can become victims and prisoners to the people that we choose to surround ourselves with if we allow them to break us and consume us. Never be afraid to put yourself first! Never choose comfort over your own well-being! Never forget that fate loves the fearless! Today's wisdom was yesterday's pain. Tomorrow's happiness is today's bravery! I am so proud of myself for being stronger than I've ever been-mind body and soul. I am even prouder of myself that I've been able to maintain a healthy lifestyle for so many years. I broke that cycle and I'm happier than I have ever been! You can do this!! Start from within and nothing can stop you. Elevate yourself- mind body and soul ✨

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She also told fans that she was athletic in high school — and, unsurprisingly, popular. “I did every sport: volleyball, basketball, soccer, softball,” she said. “I was super competitive and being on a team was so fun! I was never a cheerleader or goth. I wasn’t a party girl, but I was super social. I was liked by teachers and students because I liked to be friends with everyone, especially people who were bullied. I always wanted everyone to be happy and get along.”

But when asked to identify herself as The Leader, The Glue, The Pushover, The Follower, The Bitch, The Social Butterfly, The Planner, and/or The Confident One, Khloé had trouble choosing.

“I think that I’m a few of these!” she said. “In my family, I think I’m The Glue, but I could also be The Pushover — it depends on who is asking me to do something, LOL. I’m definitely The Bitch, for sure, as well as The Social Butterfly. I’m also The Follower sometimes, especially with Kourt — I’ll just follow whatever she tells me to do!”

Well, these days, she can also label herself The TV Host, The Executive Producer, and The Life Coach. If you think you can bare your soul for this online application, maybe your new label will be The Reality Star.