Branded ContentIntroducing the Snack Upgrade You Need: Wasa Crispbreads
We’ve all been there: Three O’clock rolls around and despite best intentions, the kids (and you!) start reaching for the cookies, pretzels and chips. It’s time for a snack upgrade — and the best place to start is the base.
Wasa Multi Grain Crispbreads are a great option for a nutritious snack any time of day. Carbon neutral from field to shelf,* they are made with four perfectly blended, wholesome grains (rye, wheat, oats and barley) and topped with oat flakes and rye bran for a deliciously complex flavor. Add to it that extra-crunchy, thick slice — and, you have a fam fave.
Top your Wasa with anything — spicy, mild, savory to sweet. For something totally addictive and guilt free, top with hummus, jalapeno peppers and mango chutney or mix some fresh avocado with your hummus and top with chickpeas and pickled red onions. It’s all you need for a very happy International Hummus Day (May 13th) and any snack time beyond!
Available in a variety of textures and flavors. Find recipe inspiration at
*Verified by an independent auditor (DNV GL). Learn more at