Article presented by Mindful Agency

Now, this is heaven on earth. Power couple Regan Hillyer and Juan Pablo Barahona have created a yearly self-mastery getaway called In-Fusion, located at the Nest in Costa Rica. The event helps you clear and release anything that’s stopping and blocking you from becoming the most powerful leader you can be.

There is no doubt that our world has changed. The predictability of progress and how we function have transformed into a new paradigm of hope. However, with fast-paced living, we often find ourselves on autopilot, where the day is a series of tasks we run through daily.

At times our rituals of life become mundane with a routine where the risk of our creativity, sense of joy and existence, innocence, and sense of play are lost amid our busy lives. So, sometimes we need to get away to rejuvenate, realign, and calm the mind to enhance, elevate and amplify who we are inside.

This is the essence of a self-retreat, and why many of us yearn to enter a sacred space. We all need to get quiet and retreat inside, regardless of who we are. But not alone. In this ever-changing world, one thing that never ceases to exist is the importance of social connection and a sense of belonging – a Genesis for community living in a modern era.

And with the power of the modern age moving towards working together to restore planet earth, what better way to align your inner thoughts, feelings, and actions than by becoming one with nature?

This alignment of values sparked the journey that’s now bringing to life the first In-Fusion Costa Rica eco-retreat, where an oxygenated lush-green getaway and awe-striking ocean views meet to provide the best of the two worlds in one single location.

Tucked away in the rugged rainforested Costa Rica is a high-level intimate leadership immersion retreat, a sustainable hideaway in the heart of Central America.

Nicknamed The Nest, the intimate setting was birthed by New Zealand-born philanthropist Regan Hillyer, founder of Regan Hillyer International and manifestation master, and her husband, Juan Pablo Barahona.

A transformational leader and motivational speaker, Barahona’s methods allow his participants to realize their deepest potential, tapping into their inner wisdom and infinite power.

The dynamic duo’s private land is located across 600+ acres where leaders, business owners, bosses, and CEOs can connect with like-minded people on a yearly self-mastery retreat. Here the couple has “developed the best protocols and methods to upgrade every area of your life.”

So, if you’re running a business, organization, team or thinking about starting something new, goals will need to shift to adapt to change. However, often at times, one person can’t always see the shifts, hear the feedback or recognize what it is that is troubling them alone.

So, what if we could do all of this and more on a cellular level? A 100% in-depth assimilable experience with high-level leadership coaching processes? At The Nest, you can.

“We’re infusing amazing Quantum technology with ancient ancestral wisdom and practices, combined into a high-level leadership immersion for people ready to take their entire being to the next level,” says Hillyer.

The Nest

From our mindset to the nervous system to reset the flow of energy, “we are cultivating longevity,” explains Barahona. “What should take you seven years has now been drawn down into just seven days thanks to our technologies and techniques that accelerate the process – we really have hacked this immersion experience.”

The small container community is a haven for spiritual seekers, health enthusiasts, artists, adventurers, and anyone who wants to explore the healthy way of living needed for a new paradigm.

From the moment you arrive at this luxury era, you can immerse yourself in the beauty of its calm oasis, taking in the incredible sights and gentle sounds of the forest below and breathing in the fresh mountain air.

Set deep within a beautiful jungle, the buildings blend smoothly with their natural surroundings allowing you to reconnect with nature, rekindle your spirit, and reignite your soul in this serene natural haven.

From brain illuminations, upgrade sessions, and lymphatic system release – to activating organic superfoods, reset your energy like never before. Enjoy uninterrupted views from your organic balcony, take in the sights from the incredible jungle, relax by the pool, or simply wander through the winding paths and take a break from the rest of the world at The Nest.

“Join us so that we can help you clear and release anything that’s stopping and blocking you from becoming the most powerful leader you can be for yourself, your business, family, or community,” shares Hillyer.

This once-in-a-lifetime experience is just one part of Regan Hillyer’s pledge to create a sustainable solution to help reduce our carbon footprint.

When it comes to giving back, each month Regan Hillyer International contributes substantially to a chosen charity, foundation, or cause, from building schools to planting trees – but now the inner aquaphilic is ready to tackle the mighty deep.

Spots for the January 2023 In-Fusion retreat are sold out. For more information on how you can get a spot on the list for the May 2023 retreat at The Nest follow it on Instagram and send a DM.





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