It’s a wrap! The 2018 Oscars have rolled up the red carpet, but not without leaving behind plenty of colorful fashion moments, red carpet #couplesgoals, and a surprise Jennifer Garner meme we’ll be sending our friends for days to come. But the one Oscars moment you’re not going to want to forget is when you entered for a chance to win the “Everybody Wins” Nominee Gift Bag worth an estimated value of $1,971! One winner only, ladies and gentlemen!

Everybodywins liwu jewelry oscars 2018 giveaway

And the best thing about winning what’s inside this Oscars gift bag? You don’t even have to be an actor to own the very same goodies sent straight to this year’s Academy Award nominees. What’s inside? Oh, just all the luxury health and skin care products from MZ Skin, a 10-piece marble brush set from Inception Beauty, Liwu Jewelry (shown above), plus a year’s worth of free deliveries from EpiFruit to have you living and feeling yourself, like the Tinseltown triple threat we know you really are!

Enter for a chance to win an “Everybody Wins” Nominee Gift Bag by clicking here before the April 11 deadline.