There will be a lot of ups and downs on this upcoming season of My Big Fat Fabulous Life — but don’t expect Whitney Thore‘s weight loss to be one of those storylines. The brunette beauty has made it very clear that she is very happy with her curves.

Whitney launched the No Body Shame movement to promote body positivity and has been very open about her struggles with PCOS and eating disorders. Watch the video below to see Whitney today!

Last year, she was body shamed by a viewer, who claimed to be a doctor, and called her a “big fat pig.” However, she handled the troll with the perfect clap back. “I have a college degree, I’ve traveled to over a dozen countries and lived abroad. I have been given, hands-down, the best and most supportive family and friends, I am passionate about dance, reading, writing, animals, and people,” she responded. “And yes, after 19 years of living as a thin woman who struggled with eating disorders, I gained 100 pounds in a nine-month span, and later was diagnosed with PCOS and insulin resistance… Since being diagnosed, I have lost 100 pounds in eight months, gained it back, and still struggled with bulimia and disordered eating.”

She also reminds her fans that being skinny does not mean you are going to be happy. “Most of my adult life consisted of dramatic weight gain, a PCOS diagnosis, self-loathing, and a non-stop desire to lose weight and be this girl again — until I realized how insane this was,” she added. “I know because I’ve lived it, that thinness does not equal happiness and it does not equal physical or mental health.”

On Season 5 of the TLC series, viewers can also expect to see Whitney trying on wedding dresses — but it is yet to be known if she will make it down the aisle. Keep it up, girl!