“When this Girl Meets World…Girl Meets World. Wandering down this road, without any clothes, is what she’s doin’…”

Back then, you knew her as bubbly Rachel McGuire on Boy Meets World. Today, you know her as Maitland Ward, a woman incapable of hiding her lady lumps.

(WARNING: These are two “outfits” the 37-year-old actually wore to an event last night and she’s, well, naked, so you’re going to see all that jazz. Enjoy.)

1. She looks like she’s auditioning for the third part of “The Matrix Re-Entered”

maitland ward boy meets world

A porn parody of “The Matrix” (and, yes, apparently there are already two other films, so this would be a brilliant ending to the trilogy).

2. The most concerning part about this outfit isn’t that she’s not wearing a bra…

maitland ward boy meets world

It’s that her nipples are more than likely chafed and we’re in pain just looking at this photo.

3. Does she realize this looks like unfortunate pubic hair?

maitland ward boy meets world

Really long and unfortunate pubic hair?

4. Why are there so many conveniently placed triangles?

maitland ward boy meets world

What is the point when you’ve already showed off your lady bits to the masses? And why do we now want to go to our nearest Ground Round (do those exist anymore?) and play Tricky Triangle?

maitland ward boy meets world

5. We have no words.

maitland ward boy meets world

And that never happens because we love words.


maitland ward boy meets world

::shudders:: ::cringes:: ::trembles:: ::shakes:: ::does any type of movement out of fear::

7. She actually looks pretty from the neck up…

maitland ward boy meets world

Rachel McGuire, you were always a babe.

8. …but it’s unfortunate this mASShap occurred.

maitland ward boy meets world

Because you forget she’s actually pretty.

9. Sorry. A pretty backdrop doesn’t make this classy.

maitland ward boy meets world

It actually makes us want to jump in that pool and stay underwater so we don’t have to look at this hot mess.

10. Rachel McGuire would have never worn something like this.

maitland ward boy meets world

Sure, she would have worn belly-baring shirts or just a towel, but there’s no way — not even for a second — our beloved redhead would even think of wearing something so heinous.

BONUS: Unfortunately, this is hardly the first time Maitland’s gone the “too sexy so it’s not sexy” route.

maitland ward boy meets world


maitland ward boy meets world

(And someone please reach out to Cory and Topanga Matthews for an intervention.)

maitland ward boy meets world