Written In Partnership With Kelin Dillon

Though motocross has had a place in global sports culture for nearly a century, the practice’s production of high-decibel noise pollution has prevented motocross from being accepted in communities across the world, with the issue escalating to the point of legal intervention in certain situations. In the Scottish Highlands’ Black Isles, riders’ makeshift motocross tracks attracted widespread negative attention from neighbors due to the resulting noise; in eastern England, other motocross-related noise complaints resulted in the usage of the United Kingdom’s Environmental Protection Act 1990 to restrict motocross’ noise output in the area and diminish its effects on the surrounding community.

In the quest for community comradery, motocross riders’ athletic needs have largely been left by the wayside in favor of reducing the sport’s noise pollution. However, noise is a near-irremovable aspect of conventional motocross bikes; given the vehicles’ fuel-powered build, an engine’s pistons will always create noise when pushing out exhaust. Coupled with motocross bikes’ constant acceleration and continual revolutions per minute (RPM) boosting the engine’s noise output, motocross bikes have certainly earned their international reputation as ruckus-makers.

With most of motocross’ noise boiling down to one simple factor – the gas-powered engine – industry experts have long speculated that the introduction of an efficient electric model to the motocross market could significantly reduce the sport’s noise output, though no electric motocross bikes have presented themselves as a viable and competitive alternative to traditional fuel-powered bikes – until Stark Future debuted its all-electric Stark VARG in December 2021.

Built by a team of expert motocross designers, the Stark VARG has been meticulously designed with patent-pending innovations to offer a 30 percent higher performance than conventional gas models in a fully-electric package. At the heart of the bike (and in replacement of its engine) is the Stark VARG’s power-packed battery, which boasts endurance capabilities comparable with a full-tank of gas and a quick recharge. Though much ado has been made about the long-term lifespan of electric model batteries, the Stark VARG has paired its battery with a revolutionary self-cooling system that removes unnecessary weight and allows for even temperature regulation, extending the battery’s duration while all-together eliminating the bikes’ noise pollution in the process. 

While Stark Future’s Stark VARG has accomplished a number of impressive feats for an electric motocross bike – the most energy-dense system in the world, the lightest frame on the market, and industry-leading power-to-weight ratio – the all-electric model’s complete eradication of noise pollution is one of the most exciting advancements in the world of modern motocross, setting the stage for more positive relationships with riders and their surrounding communities in the future.