Country king Jason Aldean and his second wife, Brittany Kerr, have taken to flashing their wealth so obnoxiously, it’s getting on their pals’ nerves, sources exclusively tell Life & Style.

“Their friends don’t begrudge Jason for having money because he’s worked hard for it,” dishes an insider. “But they don’t like the way he and Brittany have to shove it in their faces all the time!”

The “Try That in a Small Town” singer, 47, is worth $80 million but was said to be down-to-earth before he hooked up with 35-year-old American Idol alum Brittany while still wed to high school sweetheart Jessica, 44. Since he married Brittany in 2015, sources say she’s turned him into a spending machine.

“Jason acted like a regular guy until he met Brittany,” notes the insider. “After that, he changed, and it really bothers some of his friends. The way he talks about all the fancy things they’ve got — high-tech gadgets, TVs, watches, jewelry, clothes, cars and homes — is enough to turn their stomachs.”

The controversial crooner also tested his fans’ patience in a recent interview by whining that he owns so much stuff it’s hard to keep track of it all! Jason even complained about needing a fleet of vehicles to have transportation at each of his five homes, including an oceanfront property in Florida and a Nashville estate, and it’s “annoying” just to find the right keys.

“Jason seems oblivious to how spoiled he sounds,” says the insider. “His friends really wish he’d be more like the way he used to be.”