Today is 4/20, which is also known as “weed day” to many. All across the world, cannabis supporters are getting together and smoking marijuana, including celebrities!

Stars like Ellen DeGeneres and Jessica Biel have already taken to Twitter to acknowledge the “holiday,” and Kim Kardashian even released an entire new line of Kimoji merch to celebrate. The 36-year-old dropped new “fire weed socks,” as well as an “a– tray” and “Kim candle.” Plus, the theme of her website today is — you guessed it! — weed themed.

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kimoji homepage


Kim Kardashian’s site.

Upon entering her site, fans are greeted with virtual marijuana confetti, including joints, buds, and Chinese take out (because munchies, duh). Who knew Kim was such an advocate of 4/20?!

Surprisingly, Miley Cyrus hasn’t said anything to commemorate the day, which is a little out of character. Last year, the singer shared a selfie of herself smoking what looked like a joint, with the caption, “happy 4/20” — and the year prior she posted a photo of herself smoking out of a bong with just her nipple pasties on, captioning it, “Happy 420. #stillinjoanpasties #studio #goodstarttodabestdayofdayear.”

Of course, there’s still plenty of time left for the 24-year-old to break her silence. Something we’re definitely counting on…

Check out the video below to see all the stars who have tweeted about 4/20 today.