Mommy shamers came out in full force after Kim Kardashian shared a photo of her daughter, North West, in a bikini on Instagram. While many commented on how the two are totally #twinning, others slammed the reality star for the “inappropriate” snap. 

One person wrote, “That swimsuit is a bit inappropriate for a little girl in my opinion,” to which others responded, “agreed” and “amen.” A fourth added, “You should not post pictures of your children on social media, you should protect them or at least keep them in child-appropriate clothing. Babies should not be in bikinis! It’s sick.”

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Still, several others came to the KKW Beauty mogul’s defense. “If you’re perverting a child wearing a swimsuit, there’s something wrong with YOU, not with that child,” a pissed off user wrote. “Let girls wear what they want without shaming them, sheesh!” A second said, “All the hate and unsolicited advice on how she should raise HER child is unbelievable to me!!! If you have nothing nice to say, then don’t say it at all. If you don’t like her, why you here?”

Of course, the 37-year-old is no stranger to backlash. Most recently, Kim was trolled by fans after she posted an ad in her underwear while holding an itty-bitty contour kit. “@kkwbeauty Contour Singles Available NOW” Sigh. No one is looking at your hand, girlfriend.

Angry commenters quickly posting their thoughts on the on the pic, with one person writing, “When you’re promoting a makeup brand but the makeup isn’t even visible.” Another added, “Like, all I see is a thong. No makeup,” and a third annoyed commenter said, “Not sure if you’re selling me that thong or the contour single.” Well, ya can’t please ’em all!

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