The plot thickens, y’all. After news broke that Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande are (seemingly) getting hitched, people began to wonder about a few things. First, how do Pete’s ex-girlfriends feel about this announcement? Second, why are they moving so fast? Third, WTF is Pete going to do about the huge tattoo he has of his most recent ex, Cazzie David, on his forearm?

As it turns out, permanently inking his flesh is a common sign of affection for the SNL star. Seeing as Pete got not one, but two Ariana Grande-themed tattoos earlier in the month, it’s no surprise he has one of Cazzie — or had one, rather. The 24-year-old has already covered it up!

In the image below, shared by Pete’s tattoo artist, you can see that he covered up his longtime lover’s face with some sort of wilderness scene. After all, nothing says, "I’m over it," like replacing someone’s face with pine trees.

Whether or not Cazzie is aware of Pete’s tattoo switcharoo remains to be seen. That said, she has still yet to delete all their Instagram pictures together. We don’t know if she’s petty, brilliant, brave, or all three. Then again, given her recent social media activity — it seems she’s getting drunk in Italy. Why bother deleting pics when you can drown yourself in authentic Chianti?