Bye, again! Bachelor contestant Alayah Benavidez left the reality show and Peter Weber for a second time during the February 3 episode. The former Miss Texas was eliminated the prior week after her fellow contestants claimed that she was there for the wrong reasons but returned to Cleveland, Ohio, to defend herself. After their talk, Peter gave her a date rose, despite her not actually going on the date, and fans thought she was sitting pretty.

However, the other ladies in the mansion were gunning for the beauty queen. Eventually, the drama became so great that Alayah and Peter went their separate way before the rose ceremony even began.

Alayaha The Bachelor sent home

“I know that you do have an amazing heart and that you are a good person,” Peter, 28, told the gorgeous contestant before her exit. “I  felt such a strong connection with you from night one. You opened up to me and showed me a side of yourself that I know wasn’t easy to do.”

At this point, it was the entire house versus Alayah and Peter recognized that the volatile situation couldn’t continue. “I think that just with everything that’s happening, this is a little too much, and I don’t want to put you through any more of this. I think it’s probably time to say goodbye,” he said.

Peter Weber The Bachelor Who Went HOme

Although the two seemed to have a spark, the sentiment was mutual. “It’s too much,” she said before getting in the black SUV to leave. “I don’t even feel like I can open up to you … I’m sorry, this is just so damn hard.”

The other contestants were pretty irritated with Peter. He addressed the group after Alayah left to try and clear the air. “I know I keep saying I’m only human and I’m gonna make mistakes,” he began. “And, I know how this could possibly come off as being wishy-washy and not knowing what I want, and I get it. But, I do know what I want.”

Peter appeared emotional over Alayah exiting, but it turned out to be for the best. “I promise you that she was not the one who was meant for me and it really really is tough,” he continued. “This is not easy for me. I just want you all to know I value you all so much, and I hear you I trust you. Hopefully, you’ll still want to be here and you’ll trust me and you feel good about where we’re at.”

In the end, everyone seemed ready to move on. In fact, the cast took off from Cleveland and headed to Costa Rica. Onward and upward, right?